The following might only make sense to those who knew Bruno.
Oliver and I decided to make Bruno’s birthday, 10th of May, our official “Draw Professor Adelart day” so we won’t forget to draw him. It would be even more fun if more would join us, so we spread the idea to some of Bruno’s friends. We hope a lot you had fun drawing today.
If you didn’t draw the professor today, don’t worry, it’s always a good time to draw. Or if you don’t think you can draw, don’t worry either, it’s all about having fun. Cool if you want to share your drawing, but just as fine if you keep it to yourself. Don’t forget to give the drawing a fantastic title.
We had fun drawing today. I drew mine with a Pentel Pocket Brush. Only using black didn’t seem right for the professor, so out came the watercolours – and later just about anything els that could draw and was within reach.
The title of the drawing is “After a year as a photocopier sales representative Professor Adelart Antoni decides that it is once again time to seek new adventures and starts the construction of a suitable mean of transportation.”
In Oliver’s drawing the professor has finished the construction of his new machine and it is much more then just a means of transportation. It can, among other things, wash other flying machines in mid air – and they really seem to like that. It might also be the first time that one of the professor’s creations have been armed – although the cannon only shoots soap bubbles. Oliver is still working on the title.
Even Granny (Farmor) joined in with a drawing.
I’ll update the gallery if more drawings turn up in my mail.
Happy drawing